From: AVIATE Housing and Residence Life
Date: September 23, 2019
Subject: This Week in AVIATE
Why is Special Interest Housing a component of the AVIATE program?
Residential living and learning at the University of Dayton is structured to be sequential in nature. As students enter the university and have the opportunity to engage in Integrated Learning Living Communities, they have the opportunity to Discover how to integrate their learning and living in residence. In the sophomore year, students can opt to participate in the Designed Learning Experiences which allow them to Practice this kind of learning- taking on more ownership of their residential learning experience. Special Interest Housing is the culminating experience, or capstone, to the residential experience and allows students in their third and/or fourth year to have the ability to Create their own residential experience, thus making it their own personal responsibility to establish the goals and activities they will focus their time on and utilize to contribute to the community.
In recent years Special Interest Housing has grown significantly. There are three main benefits to students interested in applying for SIH:
How will PATH credit impact the Special Interest Housing process?
Once a group’s application has been reviewed and approved by the Special Interest Housing Committee, all approved groups will be given a priority based on the group members’ combined PATH credits (up to the point in time of which the SIH process deadline occurred. The deadline for PATH credit to be earned for the SIH process is Friday, December 13, 2019. It is important to note that while this is the last date for PATH credit to be EARNED, points, such as Baseline from Fall, may not be reflected into student's accounts until after this date but will still be factored into group totals for Special Interest, provided they were earned by this time.
Similar to in the general housing assignments process, in the event that multiple groups maintain the same exact number of combined PATH credits, a random number will be assigned to determine which house is assigned first. Student Groups that either are not approved for SIH, or those who receive an assignment and opt to decline, will be able to have a second attempt by participating in the general student housing assignments process. More information specifically addressing the Special Interest and general housing assignments process(es) will be made available late fall.
To view all available opportunities schedule thus far, visit the AVIATE calendar on 1850 . You can also subscribe to the calendar to be able to see them directly within your personal Google Calendar (or other personal calendar).
Leadership Workshop: Maximizing Leadership Potential in Self & Others (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Life Hacks: Handling Roommate Conflict
Saudi National Day
Flyer Host (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors and requires pre-registration. This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Flyers Go Green: Lesson 1 (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Got You Covered: Write a Winning Cover Letter (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Education Abroad Fair
Recovery is Spoken Here - Recovery Ally Training (Pre-registration is required)
Flyer Host (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors and requires pre-registration. This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Vocation Vacation (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors and requires pre-registration.)
Leadership Workshop: Maximizing Leadership Potential in Self & Others
An Evening with Ohio Supreme Court Justice Melody Stewart
Film Viewing and Discussion: Reel Injuns
Twilight Retreat & Dinner (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors and requires pre-registration. This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
MultFaith Visit: The Buddhist Center (Pre-registration is required)
Story Circles (Pre-registration is required. This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
New Beginnings Retreat (This opportunity is only open to first year students and requires pre-registration.)
American Afterlives: Historicizing Catholic Holiness in the United States
Bilingual Mingle
MultiFaith Visit: Dayton Gurudwara (Pre-registration is required)
Flyers Go Green: Lesson 1 (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
SGA Presents: Dean of Students and the UD CARE Team
Cracking the Hidden Job Market with Don Asher
Flyers Go Green: Lesson 2 (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Ohio Innocence Project - International Wrongful Conviction Day with Dean Gillispie
Flyer Host (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors and requires pre-registration. This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
ONGOING OPPORTUNITIES: These opportunities take place over a span of time and can be engaged in at a time that works with your schedule. See event postings for more details.
C2C Sheet Sign Contest (Registration ends September 27) (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors.)
Consent Culture (Ends September 30) (This opportunity is only open to First-Year students and is scheduled by RA.)
Sexual Violence Prevention Education Online Module Comparison (Ends October 4) (This opportunity is only open to sophomores, juniors and seniors and requires pre-registration)
Fall Community Living Agreement (Ends October 31) (This opportunity requires an appointment)
PAVE Chat (Ends February 21) (This opportunity is only open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors and requires an appointment)
Faith and Life Chat (Ends February 21) (This opportunity requires an appointment)
ACE Chat (Ends February 29) (This opportunity requires an appointment)
DISTANCE OPPORTUNITIES: These opportunities can be done from the comfort of your room at a time that works with your schedule. Please note, timelines for opportunities will vary and in some instances are only available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
NEW! What Does the Entrepreneurial Mindset Mean to Me? (September 27 - November 19)
Career Services Online Module on Job Search Skills: Interviewing (Ends September 27)
Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement Overview (Ends November 20)
Kognito: Build Awareness, Knowledge and Skills about Mental Health (Ends October 14)
UDiversity Community Education Module (Ends February 14)
PAVE Chat (Ends February 21) (This opportunity is only open as a Distance Opportunity to sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are studying abroad or co-opin greater than 40 miles from Dayton)
Be sure to visit our FAQ page at for all the answers to your questions about how to know what's PATH eligible, how to track your PATH credits, Baseline points, and more!
Also, if you haven't received the 2019-2020 Flight Plan that outlines details of the AVIATE program as well as changes for this academic year, access it here!