From: AVIATE Housing and Residence Life
Date: November 4, 2019
Subject: This Week in AVIATE


Every week, delivered straight to your inbox we will share important updates, answers to commonly asked questions and all the upcoming PATH-eligible opportunities for the next week. 


Tracking your PATH Earnings
Students are responsible for verifying their fall semester PATH credit by December 13, 2019. Please follow these directions in order to check your PATH credit and confirm that you have received credit for each event that you have attended. (Please note: No action is needed if all credits appear to be accurate.)

1.) From the 1850 App, click the "list icon" in the bottom right hand corner 
2.) Select "Student Profile" from the menu
3.) Select "Involvement" (located to the right of "Personal Info") 
4.) Select "PATH (19-20)" under the PATH logo icon 
5.) A menu will appear entitled "Completion Details" with a list of events for which you have attended and earned PATH credit
6.) Please verify your PATH earnings. 

In the event that any PATH Badges are believed to be missing in your 1850 profile, please confirm that it has been at least 48 hours since the event and also check the event details shared on the AVIATE calendar to verify whether point issuance may be delayed until a later established date. Once you have confirmed these two things, if necessary, observe the following process to request verification of your participation:

  1. Concerns about missing PATH credit for Campus Partner sponsored opportunities must be directed to the individual listed on the 1850 event page for the opportunity in question.
  2. Concerns about missing PATH credit for opportunities facilitated by RAs/Fellows/ACEs must be directed to the RA/Fellow/ACE who facilitated the opportunity in question.
  3. Concerns about missing PATH credit for opportunities sponsored by Housing and Residence Life AND not facilitated by an RA/ Fellow/ACE must be reported using the "Request for Review of Missing PATH" form that is available in the AVIATE group of 1850 (

It is important to acknowledge that human and technology errors can and will occur at times and the best approach to ensuring you are receiving your credit is constantly check your account and notify the appropriate staff in a timely manner.

Baseline Request Forms
We are aware of issues that students are experiencing as they have attempted to access the Baseline Request Forms, which were slated to open on November 1. We anticpate that the issues should be resolved shortly and will send an announcement to alert students when the form is available.



To view all available opportunities schedule thus far, visit the AVIATE calendar on 1850 . You can also subscribe to the calendar to be able to see them directly within your personal Google Calendar (or other personal calendar).


Global Game Day (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Flyer Host (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors and pre-registration is required. This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Flyers Go Green: Lesson 3 (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Leading with Strengths and Talents 
The Global Water Crisis (This opportunity will be offered multiple times pre-registration is required)

Marianist Mindfulness: Mindfulness of Pondering (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors)
Habits of Vocational Discovery
To Form Erotic Souls: Challenging the Formation of Whiteness in Education
Putting the “IT” in CommunITy (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Budgeting: A Discussion on Student Loans and Relocating After College
Flyer Host (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors. This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Holiness in the Ordinary (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors. This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Flyers Go Green: Energy GPA (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)

Life Hacks: Beauty as a Construct
Porch Reads Book Talk #2: The Defining Decade (Pre-registration is required)
Putting the “IT” in CommunITy (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Twilight Retreat & Dinner (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors and pre-registration is required. This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
OXFAM Hunger Banquet (Pre-registration is required)
The Global Water Crisis (This opportunity will be offered multiple times pre-registration is required)

#UDiversity Chats (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Leadership Workshop: You Can Do It! Managing Stress and Finding Resilience 
International Education Week: Education Abroad Student Panel 
Lessons from Kristallnacht
The Global Water Crisis (This opportunity will be offered multiple times pre-registration is required)
Understanding Student Loans
The Human Element- Film Screening and Dialogue 

Future Full of Hope Retreat (Pre-registration is required)
Cost of Poverty (COPE) Simulation Volunteer Opportunity (This opportunity will be offered multiple times pre-registration is required)

Future Full of Hope Retreat (Pre-registration is required)
International Festival

Future Full of Hope Retreat (Pre-registration is required)
MultiFaith Visit: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church (Pre-registration is required)
Flyers Go Green: Lesson 2 (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Laudato Si Hike (Pre-registration is required)

Mass(ive) Thanksgiving (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Mass(ive) Thanksgiving (This opportunity will be offered multiple times)
Merging Minds - Tobacco
Neighborhood Narratives: Sharing the Voices of Dayton's Neighbors

ONGOING OPPORTUNITIES: These opportunities take place over a span of time and can be engaged in at a time that works with your schedule. See event postings  for more details.

(NEW!) November Community Building Meeting (CBM) (November 4 - November 10)
Marianist Mindfulness (Ends November 10) (This opportunity is only open to juniors and seniors)
Setting the Marianist Table (Ends November 15) (This opportunity is only open to First Year Students)
Flyers Go Green: Conscious Living Chat (Ends November 25) 
Fall Intentional Conversation (Ends November 30)
Faith and Life Chat (Ends February 21)
PAVE Chat  (Ends February 21) (This opportunity is only open to sophomores, juniors and seniors)
ACE Chat Ends February 29)

DISTANCE OPPORTUNITIES: These opportunities can be done from the comfort of your room at a time that works with your schedule. Please note, timelines for opportunities will vary and in some instances are only available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

What Does the Entrepreneurial Mindset Mean to Me? (Ends November 19)
Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement Overview (Ends November 20)
Instagrace: Prayer 2019 (Ends November 24)
UDiversity Community Education Module (Ends February 14)
PAVE Chat (Ends February 21) (This opportunity is only open to sophomores, juniors and seniors who are studying abroad or co-oping greater than 40 miles from UD's campus.)
Financial Avenue: College and Money (Ends February 25) 
Financial Avenue: Foundations of Money (Ends February 25) 
Financial Avenue: Spending and Borrowing (Ends February 25) 
Financial Avenue: Credit and Protecting your Money (Ends February 25) 
Financial Avenue: Debt and Repayment (Ends February 25) 
Financial Avenue: Earning Money (Ends February 25)  
Financial Avenue: FAFSA (Ends February 25)  
Financial Avenue: Future of Your Money (Ends February 25)  
Financial Avenue: Loan Guidance (Ends February 25) 
Financial Avenue: Psychology of Money (Ends February 25)  

Have Questions about AVIATE?

Be sure to visit our FAQ page at for all the answers to your questions about how to know what's PATH eligible, how to track your PATH credits, Baseline points, and more!

Also, if you haven't received the 2019-2020 Flight Plan that outlines details of the AVIATE program as well as  changes for this academic year, access it here!

No longer interested in receiving these weekly emails? You can adjust your notification settings in your 1850 account at any time!