New Student Organization Grants

Funding Request Process:

New student organizations that miss Fall or Spring funding are allowed to request a one-time SGA grant, with the same eligibility requirements as Fall / Spring Funding.

In order to qualify, an organization must have become a registered student organization within the past semester and cannot have received Fall / Spring funding.  Student Life staff must confirm that the organization is eligible to apply for SGA funding.

The process for submitting a funding request can be found on the Student Organization Financial Management Tool.

Funding Limits: $1000 one-time grant

The attendance of the presenting Student Organization at SGA senate is required for funding.

Points of presentation are required but not limited to:

  • Goal of organization
  • Purpose of the funding
  • Plan for self-sustainment after one-time grant

Important Notes

This is a one-time grant

Organizations must have been registered within the last semester.

Funding is not eligible to be deposited into the student organization ledger account.

At the end of the semester, unused funds are forfeited.