Kappa Delta

Since 1897, Kappa Delta has been building confidence in women, inspiring them to take action in their communities and creating a sisterhood based on shared values, respect, and belonging. We focus on fostering an environment of acceptance and growth where we can learn to be the best representation of our chapter.

About Kappa Delta

Founded: October 23, 1897 at State Female Normal School

Chartered at University of Dayton: October 25, 2013

National Philanthropy: Girl Scouts of America and Prevent Child Abuse America

Colors: Emerald Green and Pearl White

Symbols: Nautilus Shell, White Rose, Dagger

Contact Information

President: Madison Bell | udkdpresident@gmail.com

Vice President of Recruitment: Caroline Lifka | udkdrecruitmentandmarketing@gmail.com

Instagram: @udkappadelta

TikTok: @udkappadelta

On-Campus Address: 1316 Brown Street