University of Dayton Counseling Center

Welcome Flyers!

The University of Dayton Counseling Center provides group therapy, individual therapy, consultations, and crisis services to University of Dayton students. The entry point for Counseling Center services is through Drop-In Hours, which are updated on our webpage linked below. Counseling Center services are confidential and Drop-In Hours are free of charge to all students at UD. Ongoing services are free of charge to undergraduate students, as well as students in the Law School, PA school, LaLanne teachers, and graduate assistants.

You can find more information on our webpage!

Talk to us!

If you are interested in services at the Counseling Center, we offer several different options to engage.

Emotional Wellness Screening

Follow this link to take an anonymous emotional wellness screening to determine if you might benefit from mental health care.

Drop-In Hours

Meet with a mental health provider during our daily drop-in hours -- no appointment needed!

Seminars & Groups

Ongoing group sessions that address tools for coping with a variety of issues and offer support in a group setting.

Individual Counseling

One-on-one sessions with a mental health professional, usually taking place 1-2 times per month.

In Crisis?

During business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM), call the Counseling Center directly at (937) 229-3141.

After hours, contact Public Safety at (937) 229-2121 (on campus) or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988 (off campus).