Making Memes: Visual Literacy and Internet Culture
We interact with thousands of images each day and some images take on extra meaning as memes, an important part of internet culture. In this session, explore the phenomenon of memes, discover resources for finding public domain images, remix an existing meme, and interact with memes created by others!
To access this opportunity please visit: https://udayton.
PLEASE NOTE: Please note, issuance of PATH credit may take up to one week following the closing of the event.
Direct all questions about this event or about issues with missing PATH to the following Event Sponsor(s) (Not AVIATE):
Campus Partner(s): University Libraries
The University of Dayton strives to provide equal and easy access to programs and services for individuals with disabilities. Individuals requiring accommodations to attend this event are encouraged to contact the LTC's Office of Learning Resources (OLR) in advance with their request in order to ensure adequate processing time.
Contact OLR by telephone at 937-229-2066 (TTY 937-229-2059 for deaf/hard of hearing) or by email at disabilityservices@udayton.edu.