Date: April 9, 2020
Subject: The FSL Flyer

We hope you enjoy your break!

Happy first day of Passover! Happy future Good Friday! Happy future Easter Sunday! No matter what you and your family and friends will be celebrating over the next few days - we hope you do it safely and creatively. Many families and friends are practicing social distancing and still figuring out how to celebrate the holidays with those they love. If you and your loved ones, like your fraternity brothers and sorority sisters, are having a Zoom dinner - let us know at! We'd love to see how you're staying connected.

Don't forget to fill out the Senior Recognition Form below! We're still celebrating our seniors from afar on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - so why not let it be YOU?
Follow us on @udayton_fsl to celebrate with us!

It's also important that we remind you that Evan, Alexandra, Maggie, and Jess are all still here for you. Let us know if you need anything, and reach out to your council leadership if you have ideas for what the community can do while away from campus as well as for when we return. 

We're very excited to share with you this week's options for virtual field trips. This week, you can take a "trip" to Ellis Island, discover Ancient Egypt from stories about kings and queens to exploring the temples and pyramids, and finally check out a live webcam of Old Faithful while Yellowstone National Park is closed!


FSL Senior Recognition

Complete the Form


Fraternity and Sorority Life- New Member Education and Initiation Information Form

Complete the Form