From: AVIATE Housing and Residence Life Date: September 2, 2024 Subject: This Month in AVIATE
Multiple Your Community Living Points!
As a reminder, all points earned in the Community Living Track (i.e. for CBMs, Community Living Agreements, Intentional Conversations, and AVIATE 101) will show as ONE point and ONE badge in your account. You will multiply your earnings by 2 to know how many actual points you have in that track. When the time comes for AVIATE staff to run totals for students we will multiple this track by 2 to determine your totals. You will not see two badges or two points issued for these events as the multiplyer will happen on the back end of the process. That said, as long as you see a point/badge issued for these events, you will earn the two points per event.
Learning In Action Track 101 Guide and Submission Form Now Available
Students wishing to submit learning experiences to count towards the Learing in Action Track for PATH credit may now do so!
Critical things to note:
Students are strongly advised to first review the AVIATE 101: Learning in Action resource that explains what qualifies and how to submit to ensure approval.
Only experiences that occurred starting in September will be accepted. The Learning in Action Track does not count experiences occuring during the summer break, or August.
Experiences from September will be accepted through September 30.
Can students living in landlord houses, or commuters participate in AVIATE for PATH credit?
Yes! Students who choose to commute or live in landlord housing are invited to also be engaged members in the community by participating in advertised AVIATE events. That said, because some events are held on residence hall floors or in “closed communities” and are facilitated by HRL staff, certain events (such as Intentional Conversations, Community Living Agreement Meetings) will not be open to non-residential students.
Junior/Senior landlord and commuter students do have the ability to attend any CBM that is facilitated in the Student Neighborhood. Non-residential students have the opportunity to earn PATH credit by participating in any other events that are open to the entire UD community. Additionally, first and second year commuter students are eligible to receive Baseline points for the Community Living track. For details, check visit this Basics of Baseline document.
(RR) Indicates that Registration is Required. Individuals placed on a Waitlist will be auto-promoted to the main list in the event that individuals cancel their registration. Additionally, students on the wait list may opt to go to the event still and form a line in the event that individuals "no show" and seats are available however this will be first-come, first-serve and at the discretion of the facilitators.
(1+) Indicates that the opportunity will be offered multiple times Events that are offered multiple times may only yield PATH credit once no matter how many times the student opts to attend.
Indicates that the opportunity is ongoing Events are offered during an extended window of time that students can opt to engage in according to their individual availability.
Indicates the student cohorts that are eligible to participate. Eligibility is based on Housing Classification, not Credit Hours. Students who attend events that they are not eligible for will not receive PATH credit and will have any PATH issued, removed, when discovered during routine PATH audits. FYE = First Year Students, SYE = Second Year Students, UDE = Juniors and Seniors
The Learning in Action submission form is now live and can be found here.
Important Notes about Timelines:
Only experiences that occurred starting in September will be accepted. The Learning in Action Track does not count experiences occuring during the summer break, or August.
All September experiences must be submitted by September 30. No exceptions will be made.
As a reminder, students are stronglyadvised to first review the AVIATE 101: Learning in Action resource that explains what qualifies and how to submit to ensure approval.
To learn more about the Learning in Action track, visit this site.
09/23 - Deadline for Partners to submit requests for October events 10/21 - Deadline for Partners to submit requests for November events 11/18 - Deadline for Partners to submit requests for December events 12/06 - Last Day to Earn Fall PATH 12/10 - Deadline to Verify Fall PATH 01/06 - Deadline for Partners to submit requests for January events 01/20 - Deadline for Partners to submit requests for February events 02/21 - Last Day to Earn Spring PATH 02/24 - Deadline to Verify Fall PATH
There are 14 PATH Badges but students are only elibigle to count 11 of them towards their actual earnings towards the Housing Assignments Process!
To make sure you are accurately counting your points, check out this quick guide that walks you through, step by step, how to determine your total earnings.
Concerns about missing PATH credit for Campus Partner-sponsored opportunities must be directed to the individual listed on the 1850 event page for the opportunity in question.
Concerns about missing PATH credit foropportunities facilitated by RAs/Fellows must be directed to the RA/Fellow who facilitated the opportunity in question.
Have a question that hasn't been answered in any of the resources made available?
We are happy to help! Contact us any time at and someone from our team will respond as soon as possible.
Please note: If you have a question about a specific event, you need to contact the Event Facilitator, which is listed within every event posting on the 1850 AVIATE Calendar.
Questions about Housing or the Housing Assignment process? Those can be directed to