Date: February 5, 2024
Subject: Resource to Find Roommate(s)

Individual students seeking roommate(s), or already-established student groups looking to have others join them, are invited to utilize the Roommate(s) Forum that is posted on the Housing and Residence Life group page within 1850 to connect with others who may fit their needs.

Tthe steps for how to utilize this resource are outlined below:

  1. Log into and search for the group Housing and Residence Life. Once located, select the group and click the blue 'Join' button.
  2. Once joined, visit the Housing and Residence Life group then locate the "More" section of the group page. There, select "Forums"
  3. Once taken to the Forums page, you will see two forum categories:
    • Looking for Rising Sophomore Roommate(s)
    • Looking for Rising Junior/Senior Roommate(s)
  4. To create a post about your current group, click "Create Post" then do the following:
    • In the "Title" field, create a succinct summary of your current group size and what you are looking for (e.g. 2 males looking for 2-4 males to join group)
    • For the "Section/Category" field, select the appropriate category based on your housing classification for next year.
    • In the "Post" field, create a summary about your current group(s)' details along with what you are looking for in roommate(s). Helpful things to include might be your majors, interests, how you spend your time, expectations for living environment, if you have support animals that those with allergies may need to be aware of, etc.). Be sure to include your preferred method of contact, and contact details.
    • You may include an attachment of a photo of your current group, but that is not required.
    • Once finished, click Save.
  5. Individuals and groups may also read through former/other posts to search for those which might be a good fit and reach out to them at the contact information provided.
  6. Once you have successfully finalized your group, we ask that you return to the forums page and delete your posting so that those still seeking will see only active needs (and this will also eliminate others from continuing to contact you).