Date: August 19, 2024
Subject: This Month in AVIATE (8/20)

Welcome Back, Students!

We are so excited to see you on campus again and look forward to a great year ahead. 

For the First-Year and Transfer students joining us for the first time - welcome! This email will be sent to all students every week (typically Monday mornings) and will cover important announcements, updates, and details for PATH-eligible events happening that that month. 

Not sure what PATH is? Confused about AVIATE in general? That's ok! A great first place to start is to check out the AVIATE 101 module that gives you a great overview of everything you need to know and, when you complete the quiz at the end - you'll earn TWO PATH credits to kick off your earnings for the year!

On-campus residents will soon learn more in the August Community Building Meeting (CBM) being facilitated between August 21 - August 28 but for now, save this email and read through it in the next few days to help you get up-to-speed!

AVIATE Updates for 2024-2025

New AVIATE Google Site
As always, Housing and Residence Life evaluates the AVIATE program each year to identify ways to continue to improve the student and Campus Partner experience and as a result of the feedback from recent years, we are excited to announce the creation of a new AVIATE Google Site! This Google Site will be linked in all AVIATE communication but is easy to remember: This goal of this site is to consolidate all AVIATE-related information and resources into one place so that faculty, staff and students can easily access and find what they need throughout the year. Be sure to bookmark and explore this new site!

Changes to Learning in Action
Last year was the first year that the Learning in Action track was introduced to the UD campus as part of the AVIATE restructure and after a great deal of assessment, surveying and facilitating focus groups with students we have made several changes that we hope will create a more streamlined process that is also easier to understand!

  1. Learning in Action Submissions will be moved out of Qualtrics and into Google Forms. As a Google campus, this change will allow students to more easily access the submission form and receive confirmation emails of their responses for tracking. Additionally, this shift will allow AVIATE staff to more quickly review submissions as they are received in an effort to approve or deny them on a rolling basis (as opposed to waiting until the end of the submission period each month). 
  2. Moving into this academic year, the submission form has clarified language and incorporates a simplification of the elements of reflection. As much of the feedback that students had was that they were unsure what would be considered a "quality response," guidelines such as minimum character/word counts and explicit articulation of what is being asked have been added. Furthermore, in lieu of a randomly generated reflective question for each submission, all submissions will now ask the student THREE basic questions that must be responded to in a way that relates to the specific experience and date they are referencing:
    • Describe, how you actively engaged during this experience. That is, what did you do to tangibly apply what you have learned during the hour(s) for which you are reporting?
    • Choose which AVIATE Learning Goal your Learning in Action experience best aligns with
    • Describe, how your application of learning within your experiences aligns with the selected AVIATE Learning Goal AND describe how you have grown from this experience.
  3. This year, students will be wholly responsible for submitting experiences that are eligible for Learning in Action for PATH credit and Faculty and Staff will no longer be able to request "Pre-approved Experiences." While this will require some students to engage in the Learning in Action process in ways that they didn't have to last year, we believe this will not only ensure that students are able to receive points they've earned, but will also allow the AVIATE staff to more efficiently and accurately review and assign Learning in Action points in a more timely manner.
Throughout the year, we will continue to engage with students to evaluate what is working and/or not working and are looking forward to year two of this highly requested opportunity for experiential learning to be PATH eligible!

Details about the Learning in Action Track can be found in the AVIATE 101: Learning in Action resource.

How will I know what engagement opportunities are available and eligible for PATH credit?

There are several ways students can explore PATH-eligible opportunities:

  1. Students will be auto-added to (or may join) the AVIATE group where they can visit the AVIATE calendar of events on the 180 website or app. To view available opportunities, visit
  2. Event facilitators may print flyers or marketing materials to be distributed across campus. Students should look for the AVIATE PATH Track Badges that indicate an event is PATH-eligible.
  3. Every Monday, AVIATE will send out this “This Month in AVIATE” email with details about upcoming PATH-eligible opportunities. This email may also include updates, tips and FAQs pertaining to AVIATE, to help support students in their experience. 

Any event that is listed on the AVIATE calendar are PATH eligible (unless otherwise noted). Since it is possible for non-PATH approved events to claim they are PATH eligible, it is imperative that students confirm PATH-eligibility by checking the AVIATE calendar; unless an event is (also) posted on the AVIATE group, you can assume it is not eligible.


(RR) Indicates that Registration is Required.
Individuals placed on a Waitlist will be auto-promoted to the main list in the event that individuals cancel their registration. Additionally, students on the wait list may opt to go to the event still and form a line in the event that individuals "no show" and seats are available however this will be first-come, first-serve and at the discretion of the facilitators.

Indicates that the opportunity will be offered multiple times
Events that are offered multiple times may only yield PATH credit once no matter how many times the student opts to attend.

Indicates that the opportunity is ongoing
Events are offered during an extended window of time that students can opt to engage in according to their individual availability.

Indicates the student cohorts that are eligible to participate.

Eligibility is based on Housing Classificationnot Credit Hours. Students who attend events that they are not eligible for will not receive PATH credit and will have any PATH issued, removed, when discovered during routine PATH audits. FYE = First Year Students, SYE = Second Year Students, UDE = Juniors and Seniors

Monday, 8/26 - Monday, 9/2

On Your PATH to 30 | Building Your Foundation

Monday, 8/26

Introduction to Leadership for the Common Good
FYE Only (RR)

Tuesday, 8/27

Getting Ready for Life After College

Thursday, 8/29

Introduction to Leadership for the Common Good

AVIATE 101: A Self Guided Module
(Ends December 6)

August Community Building Meeting (CBM)
(Starts August 21 - Ends August 28)
FYE, SYE, UDE (+1)

Fall Community Living Agreement (CLA)
(Ends October 7)
FYE, SYE, UDE (+1)

Learning in Action submissions will begin September 1 for experiences that take place in the month of September.

To learn more about the Learning in Action track, visit this site.

No Intercultural Engagement Opportunities are available for August.

Monday, 8/26

Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP)
FYE Only (RR) (+1)

Tuesday, 8/27

Up In Smoke
SYE, UDE (RR) (+1)

Let's Be Blunt: A Conversation on Cannabis
FYE Only (RR) (+1)

Wednesday, 8/28

Up In Smoke
SYE, UDE (RR) (+1)

Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP)
FYE Only (RR) (+1)

Transforming How Recovery Is Viewed Everywhere (THRIVE)
SYE, UDE (RR) (+1)

Thursday, 8/29

Generation RX
FYE Only (RR) (+1)

No Individual Inquiry Opportunities are available for August.

08/19 - Deadline for Partners to submit requests for September events
09/23 - Deadline for Partners to submit requests for October events
10/21 - Deadline for Partners to submit requests for November events 
11/18 - Deadline for Partners to submit requests for December events 
12/06 - Last Day to Earn Fall PATH
12/10 - Deadline to Verify Fall PATH
01/06 - Deadline for Partners to submit requests for January events
01/20 - Deadline for Partners to submit requests for February events
02/21 - Last Day to Earn Spring PATH
02/24 - Deadline to Verify Fall PATH

There are 14 PATH Badges but students are only elibigle to count 11 of them towards their actual earnings towards the Housing Assignments Process!

To make sure you are accurately counting your points, check out this quick guide that walks you through, step by step, how to determine your total earnings.
  1. Concerns about missing PATH credit for Campus Partner-sponsored opportunities must be directed to the individual listed on the 1850 event page for the opportunity in question.
  2. Concerns about missing PATH credit for opportunities facilitated by RAs/Fellows must be directed to the RA/Fellow who facilitated the opportunity in question.

Have a question that hasn't been answered in any of the resources made available?

We are happy to help! Contact us any time at and someone from our team will respond as soon as possible.

Please note: If you have a question about a specific event, you need to contact the Event Facilitator, which is listed within every event posting on the 1850 AVIATE Calendar.

Questions about Housing or the Housing Assignment process? Those can be directed to