DPE Chats
Join a DPE (Diversity Peer Educator) for a 30-minute conversation over various topics such as implicit bias, microaggressions, privilege, and being an ally. The chat provides a safe environment for students to have a meaningful one on one discussion with a DPE on social justice and related topics.
Choose from the topics below when signing up on the appointment calendar:
- “I Didn’t Mean It Like That!” - a common phrase used by individuals who often find themselves accidentally using microaggressions. In this chat, we will be bringing awareness to microaggressions and how to avoid using them.
- Busting Bias - everyone has some biases that they might not even recognize! In this chat, we will be discussing implicit bias, it's implications, and how we can work to become aware of it.
- So...I’m White… - In this chat, we will take some time to consider what white privilege means, and the implications it may have on their lives.
- "Is it Cancel Culture or Accountability?" - In this chat, we share stories of accountability, consider positive and productive responses to being held accountable, and identify when to call for accountability in others.
Some details participants need to know in advance of participation:
- All DPE members are mandated to report if you disclose an incidence of bias, but other information in the conversation will remain confidential. If you have questions about our mandated reporting requirement, we can answer those before you share any information.
- In order to receive PATH credit, participants must meet the following requirements: Student must fully engage in discussion for a minimum of 30 minutes, Student must complete a post-event reflection form within 48 hours after the chat; the link can be found in the calendar invitation that the student receives upon registration.
- Both the DPE and the participant(s) must be respectful towards each other and acknowledge that the topics talked about are to be taken seriously. Respect each other’s opinions on the topics. If there is a disagreement, calmly address it and move on.
- The conversation should not be dominated by one person. - The job of the DPE is to create a safe space for the discussion, not lecture the participant.
- The conversations should not be a platform to debate or vent. The focus should be on understanding the topics and sharing ideas.
- This is not a counseling session. Please call 937-229-3141 if you are interested in scheduling a counseling appointment.
- Enjoy yourselves and have a meaningful conversation.
To Register for a DPE chat (available in person & virtual), please use our appointment calendar. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/selfsched?sstoken=UUlvSFlkODRuaWRnfGRlZmF1bHR8NzYwYTU1OWU4N2Q2NjVmZTcyYzI3OGViMzBiOTE3N2Q
PLEASE NOTE: PATH credit for DPE chats conducted in person will be issued directly following the event. PATH credit for DPE chats held virtualyl will be issued on a monthly basis.
Direct all questions about this event or about issues with missing PATH to the following Event Sponsor(s) (Not AVIATE):
Campus Partner(s): Diversity Peer Educators & Multi-Ethnic Education and Engagement Center
The University of Dayton strives to provide equal and easy access to programs and services for individuals with disabilities. Individuals requiring accommodations to attend this event are encouraged to contact the LTC's Office of Learning Resources (OLR) in advance with their request in order to ensure adequate processing time.
Contact OLR by telephone at 937-229-2066 (TTY 937-229-2059 for deaf/hard of hearing) or by email at disabilityservices@udayton.edu.
Hosted By
Diversity Peer Educators & Multi-Ethnic Education and Engagement Center
Co-hosted with: Multi-Ethnic Education and Engagement Center
Contact the organizers