Fri, Feb 9, 2024

3 PM – 4 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Kettering Hall Main Conference Room

300 College Park, Dayton, Ohio 45469-0620, United States




Migration is a controversial issue today but core to the story of the United States. The Catholic Church in the United States has long been a champion of the rights of vulnerable people on the move and has provided key support to newcomers in helping them integrate. What is the future of immigration in this country? How is it key to our national identity and what is the role of the church in witnessing for immigrant justice today? Join Bishop Mark J. Seitz chairman of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Migration and bishop of El Paso, Texas for this important address.

Intended Learning Outcomes:
As a result of attending this event, students will be able to...

  1. describe how the Catholic Church of the United States has provided support to vulnerable people on the move and to newcomers in helping them integrate to society
  2. describe how Immigration is key to our national identity and what does the future of immigration of this county look like

Space may be limited and admission is not guaranteed. Seats may not be reserved for others as it is first-come-first-serve.

Only those who have registered will be guaranteed access. RSVP will open 48 hours prior to the event. In circumstances where RSVP meets capacity, interested individuals may join the event Wait List to be notified in the event that a seat becomes available.

All participants are asked to wait outside of the room in an orderly and respectful fashion until a facilitator is present and ready for individuals to begin being seated.

The expectation is that all students will consistently employ sound judgment, demonstrate a character of integrity, and maintain a respectful conduct when engaging in AVIATE opportunities. PATH credit will only be issued to those who remain for the duration of the event.

Direct all questions about this event or about issues with missing PATH to the following Event Sponsor(s) (Not AVIATE):

Campus Ministry, Center for Social Concern, Department - Religious Studies, Human Rights Center (HRC), Multi-Ethnic Engagement Center (MEC), Office of Diversity and Inclusion, International Marian Research Institute at

The University of Dayton strives to provide equal and easy access to programs and services for individuals with disabilities. Individuals requiring accommodations to attend this event are encouraged to contact the LTC's Office of Learning Resources (OLR) in advance with their request in order to ensure adequate processing time. 

Contact OLR by telephone at 937-229-2066 (TTY 937-229-2059 for deaf/hard of hearing) or by email at